Without any doubt, this has to be the most annoying ad on television at the moment (and there is plenty of competition out there). Maybe it's just me, but whenever it comes on TV I feel a sense of frustration, rage, and nausea:
Seriously, would you sell your car to these folks? Judging by the ad's production standards they don't look like they'd have the corporate resources to buy a stolen bicycle, let alone a nice car. More to the point, would you buy a used car from this outfit ? And who do they think a thin white guy in a cheap suit showing off some second rate, borderline spastic dance moves is going to appeal to ? Yeah, there are lots of 18 year old wannabe gang bangers who are going to see the ad and think "Let me sell my Mercedes and get some quick cash here." The ad's been on the air since at least 2010, so hopefully it is close to the end of it's life.
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